Single Post Metal Signs
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These signs can be ordered with a painted non-reflectvie surface or with an engineer grade reflective sheeting. These signs can be screwed to a wall, attached to a chain link fence (with special hardware) or bolted to a sign post. These signs can be ordered in .080" thick aluminum or .063" and they have two pre-drilled mounting holes, centered horizontally along the top and bottom. The .080" thick aluminum is the industry standard for most traffic signs. You have the option of designing your own sign or letting us do it for you. Either way, the price is the same.
NOTE: These signs take 5-6 working days to produce on average (when ordering 5 or fewer) and orders of 6 or more (of the same design) will take 8-10 working days to produce. Call for pricing on orders of 50 signs or more (of the same sign design).