Effective Communication With Road Signs
1. They can improve traffic flow.
Road signs can improve all types of traffic flow. Traffic crossing signs inform passengers which direction to walk, which reduces the likelihood of jaywalking and other illegal activities. Crosswalks can be designated with safety signs, so they inform pedestrians about upcoming areas to cross streets. Pedestrian crosswalk signs placed near the walkway improve traffic flow and safety levels. These signs also let drivers know about areas where pedestrians have the right-of-way.
Safety signs can come in handy in school areas. School areas can be a tricky place for traffic involving pedestrians, students, and motorists to all co-exist safely. Signs can point out street crossings, upcoming speed limits, school zones and school hours. This information makes the entire area a safer place for all coming in contact with it.
Signs can effectively communicate how to properly navigate intersections. Intersections are the location for the highest level of fatalities due to the complexity of traffic pattern options available. Without safety signs, a haphazard traffic flow would exist at all levels. This statistic can be reduced by having traffic lights placed in noticeable heights at appropriate spots. Red stop signs placed at each intersection corner make pedestrian and driver movement safer. Caution signs can inform drivers of upcoming round-abouts, making the streets safer to navigate. Caution signs can also inform drivers and pedestrians of upcoming street worker areas, protecting the workers and affected parties from injury and accidents. A beeping alarm placed at intersections can be used to notify visually-impaired people of available street crossing times. This protects against injury.
Safety signs can also improve traffic flow involving bicyclists. Placing a bicyclist crossing sign that contains a bicycle symbol notifies everyone to be aware. Heightened awareness improves safety. These signs inform drivers to be aware of bicyclists, and also inform bicyclists, and can help parties stay safe by designating areas specified only for bicyclist use.
Safe and walkable communities need to consider the elderly and mobility impaired. Put up signs that signify pedestrian walking, with traffic lights nearby so motorists can stop when needed. Designate the crosswalk on the street surface, so walkers know exactly where to cross. A yellow sign with “pedestrian crossway” will notify everyone of possible pedestrians.
2. They can protect during night.
Nighttime can be a particularly challenging time to navigate around. Using reflective lights that stand out is one way to effectively communicate and keep everyone safer.
Using bright fluorescent signs, whether digital or standard, to notify drivers of work and/or construction zones is another way to keep everyone safer.
3. It can help the mobility impaired.
Safety signs can effective communicate areas specified for the mobility impaired. These signs can be either electronic, like flashing traffic lights, or standard street signs. Motorists are aware that there may be slow walkers in the area and to give way, if needed. This reduces the risks of injury for the mobility impaired by allowing them to walk at a comfortable pace that their level of health permits without worrying about being hit by a car. It also protects the driver by, hopefully, putting them on notice about the special area.
Safety signs come in all shapes, types and forms. Using them judiciously requires zoning law approval, proper placement and strong viewability.